We established the Queensland Finance Council in 2022. The Council’s purpose is to provide a single voice for the sector, growing the sector and the high quality service provision it provides to businesses and households, improving skilled talent retention, promoting financial literacy across the state and co-ordinating and engaging with others to support the sector. The Council’s role includes identifying opportunities to better enable growth in Queensland. Sustainable finance is one of these opportunities.
Queensland’s economy is poised for sustainability-focused growth. Our inherent advantages of a large natural capital base, large and productive agricultural sector and clean and green brand, with State and Government support will drive the economic development of existing and new technologies, industries and jobs.
Queensland’s Financial Services sector plays a critical role as a catalyst of this sustainable economic growth. We will enable growth through the financing of renewable energy projects, mobilising investment in new technologies, facilitating the trading of carbon credits, issuing green bonds, and supporting the circular economy. We have explored the nature of the opportunity and the range of significant benefits for Queensland. Out of this work, we have identified a range of actions for us to pursue in support of this opportunity.
We are excited to share the Queensland Finance Council’s report on the future of the Queensland finance sector. This report highlights the importance of the sector, key factors influencing its growth, the unique growth opportunity presented by the sustainable finance sector, and the critical role that we will need to play as we look to establish Queensland as a globally recognised sustainable investment market in the Asia Pacific.